Our Mission

With the inspiration of the women in Jordan, We Find in Love is putting our efforts into the refugee community. Here in Amarillo we have a large refugee population that has voiced their needs and desires for their home here in the Panhandle. We want to help provide a safe place for all cultures and communities to come together for opportunities such as English classes, business classes, a place to sell their goods and share their culture. This place will allow resources to be found under one roof, rather than spread out across our city. We want to help our friends become independent and follow their dreams by offering the resources at no cost to them in an encouraging and uplifting environment. 

Our Vision

We believe in helping our neighbors find fulfillment and independence by learning and mastering skills of their interest. The board of directors believes in the power of unity and knows that by providing a safe place to fellowship they will find community, and in community there is hope, and in hope there is happiness. We Find in Love is looking to form a creative, empowering learning environment that fosters community and helps them achieve their dreams. We believe that providing a safe place to learn is fundamental to helping not only learn new creative skills, but also to gain confidence, independence, and self-love. Your contributions are critical for us to have the means to build and sustain a community center where we can offer these programs daily.

All proceeds will go to our goals in the Texas Panhandle & the Middle East (Jordan).